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April 24, 2023

Summary: 10 Principles Taken From The Yes! To Love Philosophy To Overcome Life's Challenges With Ease

Summary: 10 Principles Taken From The Yes! To Love Philosophy To Overcome Life's Challenges With Ease

Discover the summary of the 10 Yes! To Love Principles related to the Yes! To Love Philosophy




You are here because you have diligently listened to the ten principles related to the Yes! To Love philosophy, or you are just catching up with the summary. Wherever you are, thank you for taking the time to tune in.

Hi, I’m Pascale Gibon. Welcome to episode 287 of the Everyday Life Balance Show.

You have been bathing in the energy of Love for ten weeks now.

How does it feel?

My wish is that you continue the journey of living your life in that energy if you want more peace, joy and fulfilment. To this effect, I recommend you listen to all episodes repeatedly or at least to the Yes! to Love principles you feel you need to develop more and apply. 

The Yes! To Love Philosophy invites you to rethink and create new beliefs about Love that you can integrate into your daily life. 

The Yes! To Love Philosophy instigates living in the energy of Love for a life of peace, inner and outer balance and happiness. 

As promised, here is a summary of the ten principles I revealed since we celebrated St Valentine’s Week last February.

Principle #1: Change your attitude to change your environment.

According to this principle, attitude is everything, and to look at your life from a different perspective, i.e. a loving one, you need to start by changing your attitude toward life. Your attitude is the combination of your thoughts, beliefs and actions.

Observe your thoughts about yourself and your life and reflect on what you can do today to improve your attitude to embody loving energy.

Principle #2: Take 100% Responsibility For Your Life

This principle, taking 100% responsibility for your life, is the way your shift from victim to victor.

We all have a story and a workbook of problems to be solved. Response-ability stands for your ability to respond to your life workbook of challenges. Therefore when you take 100% responsibility for your life, you understand that you are in the driving seat and can create the mindset shift to solve any life challenge. When you agree to take 100% responsibility for your life, you trust that your creative power will lead to a viable solution.

Principle #3: Be peace itself to overcome, with ease, your life’s challenges.

Being in peace is your truth. Therefore let peace be your truth. When you are in a state of inner peace and balance, devoid of attachment, you can see clearly and move mountains.

Being peaceful is a choice and a state of mind that encourages a high level of resilience. Additionally, being peaceful means putting the E.G.O (Edging God Out) aside and embracing an energy that brings harmony. 

  • On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being not at all and 10 being very much), how peaceful are you? Do you have a great sense of inner peace?

If your result is below 6, what would make it a 10? 

If your result is 5 or below, I invite you to download my free ebook “Yes! To Love Success Habits - 7 Steps to Inner Peace, Joy and Happiness.” To do so, go to pascalegibon.com. 

Principle #4: Choose your mountain

  • Is your chosen mountain small, medium or high? 

Choosing your mountain will determine how much you will grow in awareness and spiritually.

Indeed, you will observe that the more you grow in awareness, the easier it becomes to view your life’s challenges from a problem-solving or peaceful perspective. Consequently, it becomes easier to solve your life challenges. 

The height of your chosen mountain will determine how much you are willing to challenge yourself. However, the good news is that whether your chosen mountain is small or high, your commitment is to reach the mountain top step by step. 

Here is the three-step process you need to awaken to in order to reach the top of your chosen mountain or conquer your fears and uncover your truth.

The three-step process you need to reach higher is:

Step #1: Choose your mountain

This first step entails evaluating your need for freedom. The stronger your need for freedom, the more powerful your desire is to ascend your mountain and reach the top to be free.

Step #2: Take action to reach the top

This step entails identifying what you need to free yourself of and become the person you desire to be.

And lastly,

Step #3: Make it your home and enjoy the view

This third step means to live your life with ease, in alignment with the awareness you have attained on your journey to freedom. 

Principle #5: Surrender to Love

It is necessary to surrender to love for a more profound life experience. Surrendering means understanding that everything in your life is in perfect divine order and that life is always happening for you and not to you. Nothing occurs by chance. 

You have heard me say this before, difficulties or setbacks exist for your spiritual growth. When you surrender to Love, you deepen your love and lead your life from a higher perspective.

When you say Yes! to Love or accept love wholeheartedly, you understand that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. The more you explore your spiritual nature through prayer and meditation, the more you deepen your love and let go of your resistance to it.

I invite you to reflect on the following questions:

  • In what way do you resist Love? 
  • What would your life be like if you surrendered to love completely?

Principle #6: Adopt a carefree attitude

Contrary to what you might think, a carefree attitude is not one where you are irresponsible or careless. It is more like a state of mind or a response to life that displays optimism, light-heartedness, fearlessness and a relaxed attitude. 

It is the result of saying Yes! to Love. In addition, it leads to freedom.

A carefree attitude is more mindful. 

Our general tendency is to worry and stress about things. However, a carefree attitude follows the principle that whatever happens, you will face the music because you trust that any challenge serves the purpose of progress, self-exploration and self-development.

A carefree attitude derives from the awareness that there is no limit to our personal growth. From then on, you continue progressing as you deepen your self-awareness and development with the Yes! to Love Philosophy in mind. 

Life never happens to you. It always happens for you because Love is omnipresent and the highest energy there is.

Principle #7: Cultivate Gratitude

Start with gratitude to live your life with loving energy.

Adopting an attitude of gratitude needs to become your daily practice for the following two reasons: 

  • Firstly, what you focus on grows. Therefore, the more grateful you are, the more you are aware of the beauty of life itself.
  • And secondly, you become what you think about under the law of vibration. As a result, the more you focus on the goodness in your life, the more you will feel blessed and live a life of blessings.

 Remember that everything is energy.

Gratitude is a heartfelt acknowledgement:

  • You acknowledge that there is on your life journey visible and invisible help to support you.
  • You acknowledge all the love you receive.
  • You appreciate the beauty of what is.

Principle #8 – Live In The Now

Mindfulness is being present in the moment and cultivating non-judgmental awareness of your thoughts and feelings.

What is mindful living, and why is it important when we want to live in the energy of Love?

Mindful living is a way of appreciating what is in the present moment. It is a way of life that celebrates the present moment. We are not rushing but observing, absorbing and appreciating what is. 

Here are seven ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life:

1. Breath awareness

2. Body scan

3. Walking meditation

4. Mindful eating

5. Gratitude practice

6. Mindful listening

7. Smile more

For more details on the seven effective mindfulness practices in your daily life, I invite you to listen to episode 284 of the series. 

Do not live life blindfolded: love, observe and appreciate.

Principle 9: Accept What Is

Accepting what is, means that you go with the flow of life instead of against it. In addition, it implies taking 100% responsibility for your life for the sake of improvements and progress. Accepting what is does not mean you are extra in your movie. 

Our fate is not set in stone. And it seems that acceptance helps us to overcome the roadblocks that limit us and stop us from moving forward and finding inner and outer harmony. Acceptance is, therefore, a way of releasing your limitations. 

To accept what is:

  • You need to surrender to Love.
  • You are not in a fight or flight mode.
  • You surrender because you know that Love is the answer to a peaceful, balanced, and harmonious life.

Here are a few ways you can cultivate acceptance in your everyday life:

  1. •Adopt an attitude of gratitude. Be grateful every day for the gift of life and all the love you receive from your loved ones and higher forces to total strangers.
  2. Practice mindfulness to live fully in the moment.
  3. Let go of control: stop focusing your energy on things beyond your control.
  4. Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you work on accepting what is.

Acceptance is a way of overcoming any resistance, fear or shame that stops you from finding balance in life.

Principle 10: Embrace the power of Love with all your might 

This last principle is an invitation and a reminder to live in the energy of Love. 

At times, our minds and behaviour are not attuned to Love. However, you must return to Love with the conviction that it is the spiritual answer, the source you seek and need to solve your workbook of problems in life. 

From my experience, this is the highest path because Love is blissful and brings peace.

The source of Love is divine or of a higher nature. The closer you are to that source, the more love will flow. As you become a vessel of Love you radiate light and shine brightly. 

Love always comes first. Your commitment to that resolve is necessary to live your best life.

Your committed decision is to be loving, loveable and loved unconditionally. This decision means that you invite more Love into your life. The closer you are to your true divine nature, the more loving, loved, and loveable you will be. 

You embrace the power of Love when you say YES! to living your life daily in loving energy. 

Here are eight ways you can embrace the power of Love more fully:

  1. Feel peaceful
  2. Grow in self-compassion 
  3. Grow in compassion for others
  4. Live in gratitude
  5. Give unconditionally
  6. Learn to forgive
  7. Make unconditional contributions 
  8. Understand and trust that it is the answer to a happy and fulfilling life

Embrace the power of Love, for it is our gift for harmonious living and better relationships.

I hope that you have enjoyed bathing in the energy of Love. To remain in that energy and tap into it so that you live a happy and fulfilling life, I invite you to join the waiting list for the Yes! To Love Academy. In the Academy, you will explore the Yes! To Love Philosophy and practise in-depth all of its principles. And more...

If you have not done so yet, please download your free ebook: Yes! To Love Success Habits: 7 Steps To Inner Peace, Joy & Happiness”.

All you need to do is go to my homepage: www.pascalegibon.com

I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I have enjoyed recording it for you as well as the whole series.

Remember, now is your time to transform your life one step at a time.

Here is a recap of all ten Yes! To Love Principles related to the Yes! To Love Philosophy:

Principle #1: Change your attitude to change your environment.

Principle #2: Take 100% responsibility for your life

Principle #3: Be peace itself to overcome your life challenges with ease

Principle #4: Choose your mountain

Principle #5: Surrender to Love

Principle #6: Adopt a carefree attitude

Principle #7: Cultivate gratitude

Principle #8: Live in the now

Principle #9: Accept what is

Principle #10: Embrace the power of Love with all your might.

I look forward to connecting with you next Monday. Have a fantastic week, take good care and lots of love. 

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