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Eliana Gilad

Eliana Gilad Profile Photo

Author/Healing Voice Mentor/Therapeutic Singing Pioneer

Healing voice mentor, author and therapeutic singing pioneer, founder of the Find Your True Voice program, Eliana Gilad helps heart-centered entrepreneurs and healing professionals embody their own unique voices and confidently express their truth from the inside out.
Having lived through 3 wars and social unrest in the middle east, Eliana knows how to thrive through uncertainty. As a member of the Levite tribe (both mother and father’s side) and direct descendent of the prophetess Miriam, she developed a medically proven healing voice system over the last 20+ years which revives the ancient healing feminine voice traditions of pre-biblical near-east.
Eliana has trained over 10,000 conscious professionals through the Voices of Eden training and Therapeutic Singing Certification program.
Nominated for L.A. Mayor Garcetti’s Small Business Award for Innovation, Eliana has given two TEDx talks, presented twice at the UN, presented with Deepak Chopra, Bobby McFerrin, Michael Beckwith, Marianne Williamson as well as endorsed by Gregg Braden, Dr Masaru Emoto and thought leaders in the health, wellness, feminine leadership and new science genres.

Aug. 7, 2023

Episode 302: Interview With Eliana Gilad - How To Silence The Critica…

SHOW NOTES In my interview (52:06) with Eliana Gilad, we talk about how to silence your inner voices to make a positive change, especially during a transition. However, this applies to any change you desire to complete in your life. …

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