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Oct. 7, 2024

Episode 361: Slowing Down: How to Stop Rushing Through Life and Reclaim Your Wellbeing

Episode 361: Slowing Down: How to Stop Rushing Through Life and Reclaim Your Wellbeing

Discover the power of energy management over time management to reduce stress and find balance in your busy day-to-day life




Episode Number: 361

Episode Title: Slowing Down - How to Stop Rushing Through Life and Reclaim Your Well-Being

In this episode of The Everyday Life Balance Show, we dive deep into the concept of slowing down, how rushing impacts our mental, emotional, and physical health and the transformative power of energy management. Host, Pascale Gibon, explores why we often feel trapped in a race against time and how focusing on managing our energy instead of time can bring balance, joy, and well-being into our busy lives.

Podcast Highlights:

[00:53] Introduction to the concept of rushing and its impact on our lives.

[02:58] The emotional and physical toll of living in ‘rush mode.’

[04:30] Time vs. Energy management: What we’re truly fighting isn't time.

[05:21] Activity management: A practical approach to align your actions with your wellbeing.

[07:13] Long-term benefits of slowing down and reconnecting with life’s simple joys.

[08:13] Final reflections and a gentle invitation to breathe, slow down, and embrace life’s moments.


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Website: www.pascalegibon.com

Email: support@pascalegibon.com

Slowing Down: How to Stop Rushing Through Life and Reclaim Your Well-Being

In this episode, Pascale Gibon explores the hidden costs of constantly rushing through life and how we can reclaim our peace, well-being, and joy by shifting our focus from time management to energy management. Whether you're a busy mum, a working professional, or just trying to keep up with the demands of modern life, this episode provides practical advice on how to slow down, conserve energy, and live more intentionally.

Table of Contents:

  1. The Impact of Living in Rush Mode
  2. Time vs. Energy: The Real Race
  3. Activity Management: A Practical Approach
  4. The Long-Term Impact of Slowing Down

The Impact of Living in Rush Mode

In the episode, Pascale explains how rushing through life isn't just physically exhausting; it takes a serious toll on our mental and emotional health. The constant need to be on the go puts our bodies in a state of fight-or-flight, leading to elevated cortisol levels, stress, anxiety, and even physical health problems like headaches and high blood pressure.

Time vs. Energy: The Real Race

Pascale suggests that the real struggle is not against time but energy. We often believe that if we can just fit more tasks into our day, we’ll be able to get everything done. However, rushing drains our energy and leads to burnout. Instead, Pascale advises focusing on energy management -prioritizing tasks based on their importance and conserving energy to be more productive and peaceful throughout the day.

Activity Management: A Practical Approach

Rather than trying to squeeze in more tasks, Pascale introduces the concept of activity management, where we focus on the quality of our actions rather than the quantity. This approach encourages mindfulness and setting boundaries in our daily lives - whether it's by taking breaks during a workday or learning how to prioritize tasks based on urgency and energy levels.

The Long-Term Impact of Slowing Down

Pascale highlights the magic that happens when we slow down and reconnect with our lives. By being more present, we start to notice the simple joys we often miss when we're rushing through our days. This shift not only benefits our mental and physical health but also helps us cultivate deeper connections with ourselves and those around us.


The episode wraps up with a gentle invitation to breathe, slow down, and approach life with more mindfulness and intention. Pascale encourages listeners to let go of the illusion that life is a race against time and instead focus on managing their energy for a more joyful and balanced life. The key takeaway? By slowing down, we open ourselves up to a deeper experience of life and well-being.




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Meet Pascale, the Founder of The Everyday Life Balance Show, author and "Freedom Coach," your ultimate guide to achieving your vision and fulfilling your dreams faster than you ever thought possible.

With an unwavering dedication to empowering women in life transitions, Pascale possesses an innate ability to catalyze transformative change. Her mission is to guide women on a profound journey of self-discovery, enabling them to unlock their true potential and align their soul's purpose with their everyday lives.

Pascale's unique talent lies in helping women embrace their greatness wholeheartedly, paving the way for a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling existence while impacting the world positively.

With Pascale as your guiding force, you can expect to surpass your expectations and manifest your aspirations faster than you ever thought possible. Embark on a life-transforming journey with The Freedom Coach and unlock the limitless potential within you.

As a visionary and creative, her life's purpose is to guide you to happiness through love and joy in the context of understanding and compassion.

Meet Pascale at pascalegibon.com.




Welcome to the Everyday Life Balance Show, the podcast dedicated to men and women who want to cultivate greater harmony and balance in every aspect of their lives on a mental, physical and spiritual level. Every Monday, you will gain exclusive access to invaluable insights, practical tools and strategies shared by esteemed experts in various fields ranging from wellness and personal development to life fulfilment, happiness and success. And, of course, your trusted host Pascale Gibon, an authority in her own right as a #1 Amazon bestselling author and “Freedom Coach”.

Pascale’s unwavering mission is to serve and guide you towards happiness, leading you to discover profound joy, inner peace and balance. With every episode, she invites you to embark on a transformative journey, one step at a time, as you weave a tapestry of a life truly well-lived. For more information go to: https://www.pascalegibon.com/




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With love and gratitude.







Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome back to The Everyday Life Balance Show, where we take a moment to reflect, breathe, and embrace life’s journey with intention and care. I’m Pascale Gibon, your host. Today, in episode 361, I want to talk about something that feels all too familiar to many of us, especially in big cities, rushing. The frantic, non-stop, go-go-go energy we bring to our everyday lives. Whether you're a busy mum, a career-driven professional, or someone just trying to keep up with everything on your to-do list, it can feel like you are always racing against the clock. But at what cost?

Let’s take a second. I know you’re probably listening while juggling a million other things - you are maybe on your way to work, picking up the kids, or crossing off your next task. But I want to ask you something: If you believe you constantly run out of time, when was the last time you truly felt present? Not just in your body, but in your mind and spirit? It’s a question that can feel uncomfortable because most of us, especially women, are so accustomed to doing and being everything for everyone that we don’t even realize we’re living in this constant state of rush.

We rush to get to work, check off our responsibilities, eat, and take care of our families, and then we rush to bed—only to do it all again tomorrow. But here's the thing: this rhythm of rushing, this need to always be moving at full speed, affects our well-being whether we realize it or not.

The Impact of Living in Rush Mode

Rushing through life isn't just exhausting; it's unsustainable. Over time, it begins to impact our mental and physical health. We experience heightened levels of stress, fatigue, and burnout because our bodies are constantly in fight-or-flight mode. Think about it: When you're always hurrying, your mind and body don't have time to relax. Your cortisol levels stay elevated, leading to anxiety, irritability, and even physical issues like high blood pressure, headaches, or digestive problems.

Let us not forget about the emotional toll. When we're constantly rushing, we rarely stop to connect with ourselves or the people we love. How often have you snapped at your kids, your partner, or even a co-worker, not because you're truly upset but because you’re overwhelmed by the pace of life?

Let that thought linger for a second.

I know, I know—so much of this is outside of our control. There are deadlines to meet, mouths to feed, and responsibilities that demand our attention. But I want to gently remind you that while we may not be able to change the demands of our lives, we can change how we respond to them. We can change our beliefs and habits.

Time vs. Energy: The Real Race

Here’s the truth: what we are fighting isn't time. It’s not about squeezing more tasks into the day or being super-efficient. The real issue is how we use our energy. When rushing, we’re leaking energy, expanding it in a frantic and unproductive way. We tell ourselves that if we hurry, we’ll get everything done. But in reality, we’re burning out and missing out on the moments that truly matter.

Instead of trying to beat the clock, I urge you to focus on managing your energy, not your time. Energy management is the key to creating a more balanced, joyful life.

I learnt years ago from one of my Personal Development mentors that it’s not time we need to manage but our activities.

What Does Activity Management Look Like?

Let me paint a picture. Imagine you’re a mom of two, trying to get out of the door in the morning. You're making breakfast, packing lunches, getting yourself ready, and the kids are... well, being kids. It’s chaotic, and you're rushing. But what if, instead of thinking about all the things that need to get done at that moment, you take a deep breath and think about the energy you're bringing into the situation?

Start by prioritizing:

  • What is urgent and needs to be done right now?
  • What can wait?
  • Most importantly, how can you approach the moment with a sense of calm rather than urgency?

This is the essence of activity management, focusing on the quality of your actions rather than the quantity. It's about bringing mindfulness and intention to each task, which helps you conserve energy, reduce stress, and subsequently accomplish more in a way aligned with your well-being.

For the busy 9-to-5 worker caught in the rat race, this might look like setting realistic boundaries around your workday. Instead of working through lunch or squeezing in tasks between meetings, honour those breaks. When you take time to recharge, you come back more focused and efficient. You’ll find that giving yourself space to breathe allows you to accomplish more with less effort.

The Long-Term Impact

Here’s where the magic happens. When we stop rushing, we begin to reconnect with life in the most meaningful way. We start to notice the little joys we would miss otherwise - our children's laughter, the taste of our food, the beauty of a moment of stillness. We also reclaim our health, reducing stress and allowing our bodies to heal from the inside out.

Over time, living this way helps us cultivate a sense of peace. You realize you don’t have to do everything perfectly to be enough. You do the best you can and you are already enough. The more you focus on managing your energy and being present, the more you find that the world doesn’t fall apart if you slow down. It often falls into place.

A Gentle Invitation

So, beautiful souls, I invite you to slow down. Permit yourself to breathe, savour the moments, and approach your life with a little more gentleness. The race against time is an illusion from which we can free ourselves at any moment.

  • Take a deep breath with me right now… inhale… exhale…

You’ve got this.

Until next time, be kind to yourself. You deserve the space to live life fully without rushing all the time. I’m sending you lots of love and light.