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Sept. 16, 2024

Episode 358: Goal Setting Success – 4 Months To Achieve Your Dreams

Episode 358: Goal Setting Success – 4 Months To Achieve Your Dreams

Overcome obstacles, boost motivation, and reach your biggest goal by year-end




Episode Number: 358

Episode Title: Goal Setting Success – 4 Months To Achieve Your Dreams


In this motivational episode, Pascale Gibon guides listeners through a timely reflection on their goal-achievement journey as the year enters its final four months. She emphasizes the importance of assessing progress, overcoming obstacles, and reigniting motivation to finish the year strong.

Podcast Highlights:

[00:54] Introduction and importance of goal review

[01:39] Four scenarios of goal progress

[05:05] Strategies for overcoming obstacles and fear

[05:58] Action plan for kickstarting goal achievement

[06:46] Final motivational message and closing thoughts


Breaking Barriers: The 5-Part Journey To Overcome Fear And Embrace Success - Episodes 353-357

From Fear to Freedom - Mastering Your Relationship With Failure - Episode 352

Connect with Pascale Gibon:

Website: www.pascalegibon.com

Email: pascale@pascalegibon.com


Goal Setting Success – 4 Months To Achieve Your Dreams

In this episode, Pascale Gibon offers a comprehensive guide to reassessing and reinvigorating personal goals with only four months left in the year. She presents four scenarios of goal progress, provides tailored advice for each, and shares strategies for overcoming common obstacles like fear and procrastination.

Table of Contents

1. The Importance of Goal Review

2. Four Scenarios of Goal Progress

3. Overcoming Obstacles and Fear

4. Action Plan for Goal Achievement

5. Motivation and Mindset

6. Conclusion

1. The Importance of Goal Review

Pascale emphasizes the critical nature of pausing to reflect on goal progress with just four months remaining in the year. She encourages listeners to focus on their most significant goal - the one that would transform their lives if achieved.

2. Four Scenarios of Goal Progress

Pascale outlines four common scenarios:

a) The Brave Beginner: Those who have taken initial steps but face obstacles.

b) The Consistent Climber: Individuals making daily progress towards their goals.

c) The Lost Explorer: Those feeling stuck and unsure of their next move.

d) The Comfort Zone Dweller: People who are hesitant to take the first step towards their goals.

3. Overcoming Obstacles and Fear

For each scenario, Pascale provides targeted advice:

- Adapting to obstacles and maintaining an unstoppable mindset

- Nurturing momentum and consistency

- Recalibrating goals and action plans when feeling lost

- Addressing fear and hesitation through empowering questions and mindset shifts

4. Action Plan for Goal Achievement

Pascale presents a six-step action plan:

1. Clarify the life-changing goal

2. Set challenging yet exciting deadlines

3. Craft an inspiring action plan

4. Break down tasks to manageable sizes

5. Maintain consistency in efforts

6. Celebrate every achievement, no matter how small

5. Motivation and Mindset

Throughout the episode, Pascale infuses motivational messages, encouraging listeners to believe in their capabilities and reminding them of their worth. She emphasizes the power of mindset in goal achievement and the importance of perseverance.

6. Conclusion

Pascale concludes by reinforcing the message that every listener is capable of achieving their goals. She encourages continued effort, belief in oneself, and embracing the journey of personal growth. The episode ends with a warm send-off, inspiring listeners to make every week count in their pursuit of success.




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Yes! To Love Success Habits: 7 Steps To Inner Peace, Joy And Happiness.

  • Watch now the three-part video training: "7 Key Principles To Achieve Your Dreams." In this training, you will learn the principles that govern achieving goals. Click here to get immediate access:

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Meet Pascale, the Founder of The Everyday Life Balance Show, author and "Freedom Coach," your ultimate guide to achieving your vision and fulfilling your dreams faster than you ever thought possible.

With an unwavering dedication to empowering women in life transitions, Pascale possesses an innate ability to catalyze transformative change. Her mission is to guide women on a profound journey of self-discovery, enabling them to unlock their true potential and align their soul's purpose with their everyday lives.

Pascale's unique talent lies in helping women embrace their greatness wholeheartedly, paving the way for a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling existence while impacting the world positively.

With Pascale as your guiding force, you can expect to surpass your expectations and manifest your aspirations faster than you ever thought possible. Embark on a life-transforming journey with The Freedom Coach and unlock the limitless potential within you.

As a visionary and creative, her life's purpose is to guide you to happiness through love and joy in the context of understanding and compassion.

Meet Pascale at pascalegibon.com.




Welcome to the Everyday Life Balance Show, the podcast dedicated to men and women who want to cultivate greater harmony and balance in every aspect of their lives on a mental, physical and spiritual level. Every Monday, you will gain exclusive access to invaluable insights, practical tools and strategies shared by esteemed experts in various fields ranging from wellness and personal development to life fulfilment, happiness and success. And, of course, your trusted host Pascale Gibon, an authority in her own right as a #1 Amazon bestselling author and “Freedom Coach”.

Pascale’s unwavering mission is to serve and guide you towards happiness, leading you to discover profound joy, inner peace and balance. With every episode, she invites you to embark on a transformative journey, one step at a time, as you weave a tapestry of a life truly well-lived. For more information go to: https://www.pascalegibon.com/




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With love and gratitude.







Hello, beautiful souls. Thank you kindly for listening to episode 358 of The Everyday Life Balance Show. I’m Pascale Gibon, your host, and today we’re diving into something crucial for your growth journey.

Can you believe we’re already in the final stretch of the year? With just four months left, it’s the perfect moment to pause and reflect on your goal-achievement journey this year.

Let’s take a deep breath and focus on your most significant goal. The personal goal that would transform your life if you achieved it. 

Now, I want you to close your eyes for a moment (reframe from doing this if you are driving) and ask yourself: 

  • Have I taken those first brave steps and started moving forward?
  • Am I making progress, even if it’s just a little, every single day and moving towards my goal?
  • Do I feel stuck, like feeling lost in a maze with no way out?
  • Or am I still curled up in my comfort zone, afraid to make a move?

Let’s break these down into four scenarios and see where you fit in: 

Scenario 1: The Brave Beginner

You’ve taken your first steps - bravo! That’s often the most challenging part. But here is the thing: obstacles will pop up, and the key is to adopt a mindset that helps you become unstoppable. When you hit a roadblock, you need to adapt your approach.  Think of yourself as water-flowing around obstacles, always finding a way forward. "Remember, every setback is simply a setup for an even greater comeback."

Scenario 2: The Consistent Climber

Congratulations! If you are making progress every day towards your goal achievement. Give yourself a big hug. You are not just dreaming. Your goal is not just an idea; you are doing it. You have a plan of action, and you’re sticking to it. This requires a great deal of discipline and is very powerful. Keep that fire burning, beautiful soul. Momentum is your best friend on this journey - nurture it, protect it and watch it carry you to new heights you’ve only dreamt of. 

Scenario 3: The Lost Explorer

Feeling stuck? It’s ok, we’ve all been there. Think of this as a stop sign, not a dead end. It’s time to recalibrate the direction you desire to take.

Ask yourself: 

  • Is my goal crystal clear, or has it become fuzzy? 
  • Does my SMART goal need a tune-up? (That’s Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely).
  • Do I need to zoom out and look at the big picture again?
  • Is it time to tweak my action plan?

Sometimes. taking a step back helps you leap forward. Trust the process, beautiful soul.

Scenario 4: The Comfort Zone Dweller

Oh, the comfort zone! We all know that it’s cosy. But remember what Jim Rohn said: “Success lies outside of your comfort zone.” If you’re still hesitating to take that first step, let’s chat about why:

  • Is your goal clear enough to light a fire in your belly?
  • Is fear holding you back?  If so, check out my 5-step process in my podcast series: Breaking Barriers: The 5-Part Journey To Overcome Fear And Embrace Success.” Listen to episodes 353-357.
  • Are you afraid of failing? If so, check out this relevant episode: Episode 352: From Fear to Freedom - Mastering Your Relationship With Failure.”

Here is a little secret: asking yourself more empowering questions can shift your thinking and entire world. Instead of “I can’t do this”, try “How can I get started right now?” Feel the difference? 

No matter where you are on this journey, here is your action plan to kick things into high gear:

  1. Get crystal clear on your life-changing goal.
  2. Make your goal achievable by setting deadlines that excite and challenge you.
  3. Craft a plan of action that keeps you motivated and inspired
  4. Break your plan of action down into bite-sized tasks - no overwhelm allowed!
  5. Keep the momentum by being consistent - even tiny steps count
  6. Celebrate every win, no matter how small. You’re worth it!

Remember, beautiful soul, you are capable of incredible things. The impactful goal you’ve set this year is not just a dream, it’s your future reality. Every action you take is a step towards becoming the person you’re meant to be. 

I’m cheering for you every step of the way. Keep moving, keep believing and keep shining. You’ve got this!

Until next Monday, I’m sending you abundant love and light. I wish you success. Make this week and every week count because you are worth every effort.