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Sept. 2, 2024

Episode 356: Breaking Barriers - The 5-Part Journey To Overcome Fear And Embrace Success (Part 4)

Episode 356: Breaking Barriers - The 5-Part Journey To Overcome Fear And Embrace Success (Part 4)

Crafting Your New Success Story: From Fear to Fearless Achievement




Episode Number: 356

Episode Title: Breaking Barriers - The 5-Part Journey To Overcome Fear And Embrace Success (Part 4) 

In this fourth instalment of the "Breaking Barriers" series, host Pascale Gibon guides listeners through crafting their new success story. This episode focuses on replacing the fear of success with a powerful, personalized narrative that embraces growth and achievement.

Podcast Highlights:

[00:54] Introduction and recap of previous episodes

[01:43] Explanation of persistent resistance when removing fears

[02:17] Introduction to the New Success Story Template

[02:48] Breakdown of template components

[05:12] Mission for Day 4: Writing your new success story

[05:22] End of the conversation



The Everyday Life Balance Show - https://www.theeverydaylifebalanceshowpodcast.com/ 


Connect with Pascale Gibon:

Website: www.pascalegibon.com

Email: pascale@pascalegibon.com


Breaking Barriers - The 5-Part Journey To Overcome Fear And Embrace Success (Part 4)

In this episode, Pascale Gibon guides listeners through the process of creating a new success story to replace their fear of success. The episode emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision of what to replace fear with to ensure lasting change and progress.


Table of Contents

1. Reflection on Progress

2. Understanding Persistent Resistance

3. The New Success Story Template

4. Writing Your New Success Story

5. Conclusion


1. Reflection on Progress

Pascale begins by acknowledging the progress made in the first three days of the challenge. Listeners have identified their fear, transformed their relationship with the fear of success, and seen what lies beyond the fear barrier. This reflection sets the stage for the next step in overcoming the fear of success.

2. Understanding Persistent Resistance

The host explains why resistance often persists when we try to remove something from our lives. The key insight is that we need to be clear about what we want to replace the fear with to experience genuine progress. This understanding is crucial for creating lasting change.

3. The New Success Story Template

Pascale introduces a template to help listeners craft their new success story. The template consists of six components:

a.    The Starting Point: Acknowledging the current state and readiness to embrace success.

b.    The Transformation: Describing the shift in mindset from fear to growth.

c.     New Beliefs: Listing 3-5 empowering beliefs that replace old fears.

d.    Actions: Outlining 2-3 concrete steps towards achieving goals.

e.    Results: Visualizing specific achievements and positive emotions.

f.      The Ongoing Journey: Recognizing that growth is continuous and challenges are opportunities.


4. Writing Your New Success Story

Listeners are encouraged to take their time with this exercise, allowing their imagination to guide them in creating an authentic and achievable narrative. The importance of personalizing the template to fit individual situations and aspirations is emphasized.

5. Conclusion

Pascale concludes the episode by assigning the mission for Day 4: writing the new success story. She encourages listeners to make their narrative powerful, inspiring, and uniquely their own. The host ends with words of encouragement and a reminder of the upcoming final episode in the series.




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Meet Pascale, the Founder of The Everyday Life Balance Show, author and "Freedom Coach," your ultimate guide to achieving your vision and fulfilling your dreams faster than you ever thought possible.

With an unwavering dedication to empowering women in life transitions, Pascale possesses an innate ability to catalyze transformative change. Her mission is to guide women on a profound journey of self-discovery, enabling them to unlock their true potential and align their soul's purpose with their everyday lives.

Pascale's unique talent lies in helping women embrace their greatness wholeheartedly, paving the way for a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling existence while impacting the world positively.

With Pascale as your guiding force, you can expect to surpass your expectations and manifest your aspirations faster than you ever thought possible. Embark on a life-transforming journey with The Freedom Coach and unlock the limitless potential within you.

As a visionary and creative, her life's purpose is to guide you to happiness through love and joy in the context of understanding and compassion.

Meet Pascale at pascalegibon.com.




Welcome to the Everyday Life Balance Show, the podcast dedicated to men and women who want to cultivate greater harmony and balance in every aspect of their lives on a mental, physical and spiritual level. Every Monday, you will gain exclusive access to invaluable insights, practical tools and strategies shared by esteemed experts in various fields ranging from wellness and personal development to life fulfilment, happiness and success. And, of course, your trusted host Pascale Gibon, an authority in her own right as a #1 Amazon bestselling author and “Freedom Coach”.

Pascale’s unwavering mission is to serve and guide you towards happiness, leading you to discover profound joy, inner peace and balance. With every episode, she invites you to embark on a transformative journey, one step at a time, as you weave a tapestry of a life truly well-lived. For more information go to: https://www.pascalegibon.com/




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With love and gratitude.








Episode 356: Breaking Barriers - The 5- Part Journey To Overcome Fear And Embrace Success (Part 4)

Welcome to Day 4 of Breaking Barriers - The 5-Part Journey To Overcome Fear And Embrace Success. I'm Pascale Gibon, your host, and this is episode 356 of The Everyday Life Balance Show. You know what I'm excited about the progress you've made so far. Let's take a moment to reflect on your journey:

So far, you have:

  1. Identified your fear,
  2. Transformed your relationship with the fear of success and
  3. Seen what lies beyond the fear barrier.

Take a deep breath and ask yourself: How does it feel now to claim victory over the fear of success?

But here is the thing: you are not entirely free yet. Let me explain why: resistance often persists whenever we try to remove something from our lives. Why? Because we are unclear about what to replace it with to experience progress.

In the context of our challenge, you want to overcome the fear of success. However, if you are uncertain about what you desire to replace it with, it will likely show up again, perhaps even more intensely.

Let me provide you with a template to help you craft your new success story. The structure of that template will guide you through the process, especially if you are finding it challenging to envision your new narrative. Remember, this is your story, so feel free to adapt this template to fit your unique situation and aspirations.

Here is your New Success Story Template:

1.   The Starting Point: Begin with where you are right now. For example: “I am [your name], and I'm ready to embrace success without fear.” I’m Juliet, and I'm ready to embrace success without fear.

2.   The Transformation: Describe the shift in your mindset. For instance: 'I have realized that my fear of success was holding me back, but now I see it as a sign that I'm growing and expanding.'

3.   Your New Beliefs: List 3-5 new, empowering beliefs that replace your old fears. For example:

  • “I can handle any challenges that come with success.”
  • “My success inspires and uplifts others.”
  • “I deserve to achieve my goals and dreams.”

4.   Your Actions: Describe 2-3 actions moving you towards your goals. For instance:

  • “I'm consistently working on improving my skills.”'
  • “I'm networking with people who inspire and challenge me.”
  • “I diligently spend time writing my book every single day”

5.   The Results: Paint a vivid picture of what success looks like for you. For example: “Because I've made changes, I've [specific achievement]. I feel [positive emotions] and I am excited about [future goals]. ”Because I've made changes, I have written my first book, and I am excited about writing the next one.”

6.   The Ongoing Journey: Acknowledge that growth is continuous. For instance: “I know I will meet challenges ahead, but I'm ready to face them. Each obstacle is an opportunity to learn and grow stronger.”

Take your time with this exercise. Let your imagination soar and ensure your story feels authentic and achievable.This is your new narrative – make it powerful and inspiring, and most importantly, make it yours.

Your mission on Day 4, should you accept it, is to write your new success story. Until next time, keep taking steps to transform your results positively.

I wish you a fantastic week and look forward to our connection, next Monday. I am sending you lots of love and light.